
Showing posts from May, 2024

People who had a NDE often start to meditate - but in their own way

 Nowadays you watch a lot of films with people who have had a near-death-experince  At least in the west they all have a similar pattern: They come to a beautiful place and feel unconditional love and so on (but its always hard to describe the sensations with words).  But when they come back to this world they may feel trapped both in the body and in the environment.  There is where mindfulness comes in.  I sometimes silently say to my self while a meditate - I´m (inbreath) perfect (outbreath ) or I´m (in) light (out). This is influenced by the NDE that people have told. There is also another  message from the after-life: All is one.  When I meditate on that theme I use to visualize the Earth and say I´m (in) thankful (out). Then I visualize, in turn, the solarsystem with the planets, the moon and of course the sun, our galaxy and then the whole Universe and send, in turn thankfulness to all of  then. When I try to visualize the Universe a smile always spreads o my face.  I even someti