
Showing posts from June, 2024

Are we all connected to the whole Universe....

 Quantum physics is weird but it works. There are many explanations for what happens in the really small parts of the world - but non are proved to be the right one yet. Maybe the many-worlds solution is the most known. Carlo Rovelli has another solution - everything is relational, even in the quantum world. That means, when you measure something you also are in a relation with it - you interact.  In a video conversation with Brian Green, another well known physicist, Rovelli points to a bottle at the table and says, that for us the bottle stand still, but from the view of the sun it moves. He also says entanglement may be what holds the timespace together.  An in the end Green summarize Rovelli´s view : We are mistaken relative qualities for being intrinsic qualities, like mass or charge.    But both of them also concludes; even if quantum physics really works, we still don't how.  Entanglement or spooky action on distance is quantum phenomena, that science still doesn't  unde