Music beyond anthropocentrism

Anna Thorvaldsdottir is an Islandic composer now living in London. She cares for nature and fears the destroying of it... She shows this in her music. Her way if writing it down is special and I guess she needs a long chat with the conductor before a concert. She belongs to a new generation of composers with some distance to the human dance on the Earth. On Island nature still are on the move. Volcanos, hot springs and earthquakes forms the landscape. But the glaciers are melting and one of the is now  declared "dead".

When we use a word like "nature" we look at at something outside of us. But that is a wrong view. 
We interact with nature - or rather - we are nature. A thinking nature - but not so different from other primates. 

Thorvaldsdottir  may help us to see this.

You can hear her late music here ;


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