
Showing posts from November, 2017

What is "reality"?

Immanuel Kant was right; we cannot know the thing in it self, or the noumenon, as he called it. That means, we cannot know nature with our senses and our knowledge. So let's ponder about it; are there things that we cannot understand and cannot see around us. Yes, there may be.... A bat or a bird, a dog or an insect may view the world in another way and with other senses. Some animals don't see colors and we cannot see infrared colors. There may be threads there are spun around us that we cannot see. There may be events out there that just waits for us. But we cannot know.... That is maybe the best start for many questions; I don't know. Maybe you have heard the parable of the Chinese farmer: Once there was a Chinese farmer who worked his poor farm together with his son and their horse. When the horse ran off one day, neighbors came to say, “How unfortunate for you!” The farmer replied, “Maybe yes, maybe no.” When the horse returned, followed b