
Showing posts from January, 2013

A way to live

Mindfulness is more than a practise - It is a lifestyle. It is a way to be satisfied with the small things - to drink a glass of water, to do the dishes, to take a walk, to take a rest in the sunshine. If you can be aware of what you are doing when you drink water you will live in paradise for a moment. Try to follow the water when it slips through your lips, over your tongue and when you swallow it. Probably you will feel as if you ARE the water. No thoughts will separate you and the water. And you will understand that you don´t have to join the endless rat-race that most people are in. You don't have to consume or have sex to be satisfied, you don't have to be religious or intellectual or have a successful career to be happy. All is already here and now. Of course you need to be relative safe, have an income and so on. But you don't need to be famous or rich. And isn't this what our planet need in these days? We just have one planet, but we consume, or wan


Something happens when you start meditating: You cannot hide from your thoughts. You take a risk, because some of the thoughts can be quite ugly. So again, you have to be aware that the thoughts are not you. Many of us, me too, have problems with self worth. If we don't earn enough money, if we don´t succeed in what we are doing, we are blaming ourselves. The base for this is often a core-belief. In us we have a first thought that was planted in us when we very small. If we can reach that core-belief, and perhaps understand where it comes from, it's a very good start. Lets say that we have a core-belief that says; "I'm not worthy". Then you can try to say to yourself; I'm worthy to walk on this earth. I'm as much worthy as anyone else.... In the essence of you and me, we all have the same amount of worth. And that means: regardless of what we achieve. So be aware of that you can choose your thoughts.  Take a look at a tree in wintertime,

Is God dead?

Probably. Who killed him? Probably modernity What is then modernity? A tough question - but often words like secularism and scientific progress are used. But it also means that you always should be open for another answer on a question.  There can be many right answers... So even God could be wrong... Buddhism has no God, but for a modern mind even Buddha could be wrong. You should never believe in tradition or fundamentalism... But we have also seen the dark side of modernity and scientific progress; for instance destruction of nature and global climate change. One good thing about mindfulness is that is has answers and no God is needed. Instead it will calm your question. Your experience will show if it works for you or not. If it does, it is a tradition who works even in modern times...