
Showing posts from August, 2014

Is something permanent?

In a talk with Robert Wright at Miri Albhari (from The University of Western Australia) suggests that something seems to be permanent.    Does i matter?  Well, when we meditate we are aware of our thoughts and feelings and our body.  So what is it then that is aware?  Some kind of witness consciousness? Is it the part of the brain called the reptile brain? But it seems to be so calm, it have some kind of warm distance or humbleness. Witnessing a play without judging.  As we all are actors on an global stage... Is it a part of consciousness that every creature have?  Really interesting questions - better not hurry up with the answers...  It seems that everything else really is impermanent. To see this is to accept death and for instance global warming. If we accept death we may will take care of our self but also do more thing before it's to late. If we accept th

The moon

Bill Bryson (from his book "A short story of nearly everything" - my poor translation from Swedish): " without the the moon's stabilizing impact, the Earth would swing like a sinking ship. The moon´s gravitation makes the Earth rotate with the right speed and the right angle that is needed for the Earth to develop life. This will not go on for ever. The moon is going away from us with  four centimeters a year. In about two billion years it will be so far away that we have to find another solution to have the right speed and angle. Before that I think you can think about the moon as a good fellow in the night sky." We are often very anthropocentric not thinking about all the circumstances that make it possible for us to be here. For instance, the bacterias that in the beginning fixed the right level of oxygen on Earth, When the level was right they suddenly stopped the process. No one knows why.... If we meditate or stop thinking for a while we ca

All is energi

Same place - another kind o light To get a grip of the saying; "all is one", it´s adequate to say that all is energy, I guess. As Einstein showed, even matter and light can be seen as energi... Of course, in the daily life we have to líve in the conventional reality. But perhaps we can be aware of that in another and parallel reality we are all equal. Even stones and cliffs seem to enjoy the sunshine..

mindfulness - self help or help for the world?

To build a career or a new consciousness? If you start being mindful, it may change your way of thinking. You will have some distance your thoughts and our tendency to think i dualistic terms: friend-enemy, human- animal, right wing-left wing, me-the world and so on.... We are often caught in old patterns or in patterns supported by the society... If you have moment when you stop thinking, you will make some space for new thought and new patterns or maybe some ability without a pattern or tendency... Remember that it's best to start meditate in a group and maybe just for five minutes, to see if it's something for you. It can be too much of everything - for some of us it's enough to just be alone in nature... Here is where I spent my evening yesterday - no noises from cars and so on. Very refreshing and a kind of love- affair with nature - the cooling wind, the surrounding water when you take a swim, the warm cliffs under your feets - we all know about it