
Showing posts from March, 2019

A positive view of evolution and human beings

David Deutsch writes in his book "The Fabric of Reality" about ethics and aesthetics; .... beauty and rightness must be as objective as scientific and mathematical truth. How come? Well D D is known for his spectacular ideas, even if he works in the scientific field. He advocates the theory that comes from Quantum experiments. A photon that splits into a real photon and a "shadow photon" in the double split experiment, goes really into parallel universums. For D D that indicates that parallel universes really exist. Many think that already there he goes too far, but others says that is the plausible outcome of the math formulas of quantum physics. D D also means that the parallel universes can be in some kind of contact with each other. And why not have a common strive to better and better knowledge, even about beauty and rightness? So, in that case the Kantian "objective" moral laws is a reality (even if they can change as scientific knowled