
Showing posts from January, 2021

Can a river be a person?

 If there is a subject, must therefore be an object?  Well if you study grammar it seems to be so.  I give you a banana, I'm  the doer, the subject. But lets say that we are interrelated.  Lets, for instance say that we are  nature.  Is that a good way to protect nature?  Maybe, but we now live in Anthropocene.  We have influenced the the whole surface of the earth.  We are the strong part now, but that may make us sad too. We cannot longer count on nature as something immense  that will always be there for us to use. We have to care for nature as an old mother. We have been her naughty child and now she is in danger.  Without her we will be lost too.  So maybe each one of us can be a guardian for birds, insects and fish. But some insects shall have a value even if they not are good for us.  We have  knowledges that a tree or a bird have not.  We are in a way superior - anyway if we really starts to behave starts to behave like homo sapiens. Maybe, in the long run, we can invent te

The White Tiger - an optimistic film?

 Optimism is the name of a chapter in  David Deutsch latest book, The Beginning of Infinity. Can we be optimistic in this dark age?  Why not. As long as creativity rules.  As long as democracy more or less works in many countries.  The film The White Tiger (Netflix) shows a very corrupt India.  But the author of the book that the film is based on, Aravinda Adiga, has said that he wanted the book to be an eye opener about what is going on in his home country. He beliefs that it could work better in the future, so he can be seen as an optimist.  Deutsch thinks that technological solutions can help to solve the climate crises. We also be more optimistic as the US now is on the Paris train again.  If we can slow the heating down we have more time to find solutions.  We are made by nature to see the problems, that has made us survive.   In mindfulness we can label worrying  just as "worries" and let them pass,  After meditation we my try to solve them, or grade them as not necessa

Meditation and morality according to David Deutsch

 Sam Harris, the atheist that started to meditate,  has said in an interview in "The guardian";  "We are sleepwalking, and when you learn how to meditate, you recognize that there is another possibility, which is to be vividly aware of your experience in each moment in a way that frees you from routine misery. Meditation is simply the practice of learning to break the spell and wake up." He has even started a meditation app and it seems he's up to some kind of spiritualty (not religion) if I understand it in the right way.  Well, he have a podcast too, and there he has been speaking to David Deutsch.  You better look at Wikipedia to have a clue of who David is.  The conversation may not be so easy to follow, but A man called Sam Hall makes an interpretation of it here:  About 44 minutes into the video Hall speaks about meditation and  Deutsch's look at it:  Harris says that meditation him happy and Deutsch replie

The world according to Albert Camus

 It's nice to now and then come back to the writings of Camus.  He wrote about out absurd world - and i may have became even more absurd nowadays.  the world absurd comes from the Greek world surdus with means deaf.  Lets see what it can mean - one way is what Camus wrote about the experience to see someone talking in telephone inside a telephone box- we just see someone moving his or hers lips, and we may hear some fragments of a dialog, but we don't understand what is going on. Nowadays we have the same experience when we here someone talking in a mobile phone.  We are not literary deaf, but we cannot make us clear about what is going on,  we are also bombarded with information all the time, knowledge comes more seldom. But if the world is absurd, what about ourselves, are we too? Camus had some answers to that - we have to go on even if the world is absurd and even meaningless.  in the essay " the Myth of Sisyphus" Camus describes how Sisyphus pulls a heavy stone

Corona and Trump - just bad?

My wife helps a family where one of the members have corona and stays in one room.  its a tough situation and even tougher it is that the father of the sick man also have the virus and is dying of it, because he is old and fragile.  Of course Im now afraid to get the virus too, but I think I will survive it.  Mostly elderly or sick people die of it. But the next pandemic can be worse The good thing is ; we now learn to fight back the next virus. And that one can be dangerous even for young people.  About Trump it is harder to say what is good.  Well, democracy seems to stand strong in the US and so the free press.  In Turkey, China and even in Poland the free press is suppressed.  Sometimes it seems that different people lives in different worlds and goes to information sources that fit their opinions.  Qbism, an interpretation of quantum physics, is into this.  Qbism. answer to the Schrödinger's cat thought experiment is that if you think that the cat will be dead when you open th

To be mindful in everyday life

 The best things are free. Yes, but you protect them. There is a small nature reserve near my home.  Many spend their free time in this time of Corona.  There you can walk by yourself and do walking meditation when you coordinate the breath with your steps.  Nature can be like a church with or without music.  But its better to not listen to music all  the time there.  I prefer to just be in contact with the sounds of nature, as the wind, the birds and maybe some kids laughing far away,  But when I meet adults who speaks with each other I put on my headphones and listen to music like Pergolesi's Stabat Mater.