
Showing posts from January, 2024

Eternity saved

 The major theory about the universe today is that there was a Big Bang that made up everything from a very tiny spot.  And then we have the boring story about the forever expanding universe that will be colder and colder and fade away.  But still we have no proof of that Anna Ijje is a researcher that is looking at another possibility - an infinite universe. Í use to meditate on the whole universe and when I do it I feel well and are always smiling. As if the universe in some way is connected to us and wants us to go on. This is of course feelings but very deep ones.  When i meditate on the Earth and our solarsystem I don't feel the same.  Anna Ijje shows us a picture of an universe that is expanding but that has an end and after that it is contracting until i will be very small (but not as small as in a Big Bang). According to Ilje the universe will now expand again and form a new and more complex one. And probably with life in some way.  (Even Roger Penrose is into ideas of cycl

The animals would prefer a world without us - and it might happen

  Here in Sweden, its raining in the middle in winter, the temperature is jumping up and down, Nature likes diversity. Then at least some creatures will survive if a catastrophe like a big climate change will occur.  It has happened before and it will happen again, man made or not.  For a long time we have adapt to weather changes. But for extrem weather it will be much harder to survive. In the landcape near Tjernobyl wild animals are coming back.  I'm reading Ed Yong's book   An Immense World and its obvious that we have to handle the destruction of habitats for trees, insects, medical herbs and so on.  Maybe Yuval Harari has an answer for all of is. In this interview he in the end talks about boredom and meditation: If we don't learn to handle boredom without running away from it we will be in big trouble. Harari says meditation has made him more happy (and learned him to stay in the boredom). Though we don't have to meditate as much as Harari, its good to do it regu