
Showing posts from November, 2018

free will vs interaction

The question of free will is a never ending story. It seems that i can proof free will by raising my arm and say, "I choose to raise my arm, and just see..." But if If I do it to give proof to another person  Im interact with that person. And if we are really aware of it, we always interact with someone or something. We are never in a vacuum. we are always interrelated. So if there are no separate I, the question of free will for the individual will disappear. I the future we will interact with AI, what about freedom then? Well it will not be total; we have to interact with the people who programmed the AI, and if the AI will be really intelligent, with the AI itself. But we are not there yet. We are on the journey towards understanding about our interaction with nature. We have influenced it a lot - but we must understand that nature interact with us too - to a degree where we cannot cannot tell the difference between us and nature. Nature will response wit

A violent universe that we just don't understand

We don't know what our universe is made of. But we know that it's a quite violent place. Galaxies collide. Our milky way are going to crash into the Andromeda galaxy. We are literary made of the stoft from an exploding supernova. As we know our planet is a quit violent planet too. Animals eat other animals. Vulcanos have arrut0tioens, Tsunsmis and iceages, and now a coming greenhouse effect. We should be happy to have lived in quite peaceful time. But we humans are not peaceful at all. We are animals that slaughter other animals, and treat them like slaves. We are totally changing the surface of the Earth. Change is maybe the most important word here, everything is changing and in an flux. Can there be some good in this? well, as Heracleit said, War is the mother of everything, change makes new form to arrive. But we should be careful to say to much of the big things. We know just something about 4 % of the universe. The rest is black matter and energy.

Processes and relations with others and nature

XX teaches us not to think about the world as a place of  `things` which are in this or that state but in terms of `processes` instead. A process is the passage from on interaction to another. The properties of  `things` manifest themselves i granular manner only in the moment of interaction....  What's that? Some famous  Buddhist talking about the world? And what is XX. Well the author is Carlo Rovelli, a famous theoretical physicist and XX stands for "Quantum mechanics". So in the tiniest part of the world, there is really nothing before the interaction. Everything is relations. What about in our world? Well, a guess no one of us would have been here it it not have been for  mother and probably  father. so without that interaction, no you and no me. And without food and water?  So it seems that  neither in this world we are nothing without interaction. Before that we are just propabilities.... And when we are born, the best way to describe us is maybe b