
Showing posts from August, 2020

Climate change and epistemology

Jem Bendell, who is the founder of the Deep Adaptation (to climate change) movement, started it with a paper.  It's now downloaded more than 100 000 times.  But it's now also read bye scientists that not miss to mention that Bendell is a professor of sociology and not an expert of climate change.  Though Bendell refers to scientists he is accused for doing cherry picking among them.  Bendell is also very sure of his findings: We are on our way towards a collapse of civilization. We should grieve and then prepare for the collapse.  Many young people will die, but hopefully humankind will survive in some form.  A respected journal,  Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal (SAMPJ), rejected the paper. A publisher explained that the paper wasn't peer reviewed. They wanted Bendell to correct the paper so it reflected the facts.  Bendell didn't do so but posted it in a blog.  Bendell means that the journal didn't want to post the paper, because it says th

What gives meaning to life?

It seems to be quite clear. It's relations I think it's too narrow to just say that's it's about other people. Of course it also can be relations to dogs, cats and so on. But also relations to trees, flowers and wild animals. I can sit for hours and look at swallows  in the sky or near the sky. But at the end of the day I mayfLong for the touch of another human. Buy ourselves we are nothing. Yes, it seems that we Are our relations. That is what holds us together. But what happens when an important relation ends? And beware of bad relationships:  A

A spiritual practise makes you more happy!

 At least that's what Rupert Sheldrake.  And he means he could show scientific proof for it.  Well, Sheldrake is not a newcomer in that business.  He has had dialogs with Krishnamurti long ago and he is a defender of the idea that a morfologic field is surrounding us and is binding us together in a great distance.  Nowadays he doesn't speak so much of that field. In his latest book he writes about the benefits of an spiritual practise. He himself meditates in the morning and and prays in the evening.  And it seems to make him more happy; he makes jokes and smiles a lot in this lecture. (you can see the whole speech at IAT-tv)    Is he into New Age. Maybe. But he means that it's science. And I can follow him in that - meditation, and some discipline to do it regularly, preferably with others, seems to make you, at least, more satisfied.  For me it's enough to do it once a day, but also to try be mindful in the everyday things, as washing the dishes.  When a play table te

Do we need Deep Adaptation to climate change or a Deep Transformation?

 Jeremy Lent believe that we need the latter, a deep transformation. Then we can stop climate change and save civilisation.  Jem Bendell, the founder of Deep Adaptation (to climate change) means that it is too late. We have to prepare for a civilization crash.  We have to learn to use  permaculture, to grow our own food and to live near freshwater.  And we have just ten years to prepare for that....  As you can see on this film from Nasa, the change in temperature has rapidly increased the last decades.    It seems clear that the temperature is increasing fast and it's because of human activity.  Already now people are suffering from the effects of the climate change.   you can read about it. for instance, here; Well, I'm not an scientist and cannot predict the future.  But there are visions for a sustainable world:  Jeremy Lent means that Bendell is defaitstic. If everyone would think like B