
Showing posts from July, 2018

This blog will get no likes from evolution

Meditation may influence  your career: A group of people working in a call center was given the chance to practise mindfulness to stand the stress at work. What happened was that 80 percent of the people in  the group quit the work. So it can be really helpful to quit something.... I guess the 80% saw the meaningless in disturbing people and wanting them to buy things they don't need. As you know, new things make us happy for a while, than we have to buy something new things, or travel somewhere, or find a new loved one or, or boast with your knowledge about something... Is it really craving that causes suffering? Even craving a permanent self? According, for instance, the German philosopher Thomas Metzinger, we have no self.  We are more interacting processes. Metzinger likes to illustrate this with the "Rubber hand experiment". He wants to combine philosophy with science and experiments that can relate to his thesis. The search for one's own soul

Quantum physics in our braines

Is quantum physics the last chance for mystery n our lives? The fact is that no one knows how it works, the only thing we know is that it works. But is it really important for living beings? Is it not only important in the very small world. It seems not so. According to research, birds can navigate, tadpoles can turn to frogs and we can use smell because of quantum physics. Why is that so special? Well that may mean that chance  may play a role in our lives, and that time may be more complicated than we think. It may be that we can influence our brain because of meditation. And by changing our brain, we can even change our past! How? We all know it; there may be different stories about our past. There may be other perspectives. I have written about my memories about my childhood, and after that and after that my siblings have read it, it changed my view about my childhood a bit. A learned to see from my fathers and my mothers point of view of the time I was born, and