
Showing posts from April, 2014

The bee or not the bee

Honey lovers, we have to raise our voices - together with the bees: To much pesticides are neither good for the bees,  nor for us... I wonder if it's gradually possible to learn to live in another way. To choose to eat the more expensive organic fruits and vegetables, and at the same time choose to live in a more simple way; avoid car driving and over consuming. In some way we have to learn to live in another way. But even poor people need to  have food on their tables, so it's not an easy question. But in the long run, it has to be solved, for the sake of the bees and the earth, and therefore for our sake. If you meditate or live in a mindful way, you will know that everything is connected; what is good for the bees is good for us. Here you can sing a petition for every "beeing":

There must be someway out of here, said the Joker to the thief.....

Maybe there is a way out of here... Maybe some slow evolution is going on in the background. We know what's going on, climate change, mass destruction of species and so on. But we also know that we all come from the same place, the Big Bang. We are all made of the same material and energy. All the old religions did not talk about this fact, they did not know it. Now the whole world is getting connected. Organisations like the Red Cross, UNICEF and so on are quite new manifestations. Evenso Greenpeace and PETA. And they are for sure needed. Brian Swimme talks about the eyes that the evolution created some 500 milion years ago;  perhaps the eyes was created because the earth wanted to see itself. She/he was curios... But why did she/he create us? Slowly a new era is creating itself. Is the Earth the master even this time? Where are we going?

Who is on the cross?

Easter. The suffering of Christ didn't take away our sins, neither our suffering or pain. If you are open to your suffering, which is to recommend - you will also be open to the suffering in the world. That can, in the beginning, be very painful. But in the long run it can be more painful to try to run away from the pain. If you are open to the different feelings and thoughts in you, you will probably see that some of them can be very aggressive, either to yourself or to others. That is not unusual. We live in a society witch premiers success. Newspapers, films and son on supports this idea. But as we soon will find out, in the long run, there is no success story for non of us... As we always strives to achieve more and more, we often will fail... And then we criticize our selves. We often blame others but are secretly blaming ourselves. But all of us will have troublesome experiences. It is then a benefit if you can listen to your self. Who are you blaming? Wh

Mickey Rooney and you and me - Chimpanzees or Bonobos?

In my small mindfulness class, we always end our meetings with tea and nuts. We eat and drink in silence. We focus on what we put on our mouths. When we drink tea we can imagine the rain and the water from the lake Mälaren. We can imagine the process of cleaning the water before we can drink it. When you heat the water we have to use energy and as it in my home comes from water and wind I can be quite satisfied. The last time, while  I ate the nuts I could easily imagine the people working with them, seeding the plants and picking the nuts. But then I thought of the pesticides used to grow the nuts. I first imagined the chemical that could come into the bodies of the group. But then I swiftly imaged the farmers and the birds and insects that could be polluted by the  pesticides - and I decides to nest time look for more eco-friendly nuts. I guess that's what mindfulness is for. If you take compassion out of mindfulness it will be just a kind of training The compassion is

A smell of spring on a fingertip

The first flowers, here the small ones on an elm, makes you believe in life again. (fingertip..............................................;~) The robin's eager song, the squirrels search for hidden nuts, the small light green sprouts on the ground and the magpies building their nests. It's like a resurrection...after five month in some kind of half-Hades. Every year we meet this very different seasons; Stockholm is on the same latitude as the southern part of Greenland. Perhaps that makes us in the north aware of that everything really is changing, Nothing is constant, and  both the good and the bad times will end. Maybe some of this is heard in the music of the Estonian composer Arvo Pärt:: Everything will fade away and everything will come again, but in slightly different forms. When you get children, you will have the same feeling, life goes on, even you go on, but in a different form. Thich Nhat Hanh use to say that we will live on in our actions. They

Are we all walking on a stage?

        All the world's a stage. And the man and women are merely players. They have their exits and their entrances, And one in his time plays many parts. His acts being seven ages.. . The quote is from Shakespeare's comedy As you like it. But it could also, although not so cynical spoken,  have been from the course Buddhism and modern psychology, an online course from Princeton University: In an interview with Bob Kurzban (see Reading and Resources, week four in the course) we can learn that we can see the brain as built by "modules". Some models react to certain stimuli as it was learned to do by the natures selection. We think that we choose the actions, but we don´t. It is probably more true to say that it is our genes or natural selection that rules our behavior. Our environment has changed, but our brain and the genes have not. They still sometimes let us react as we live on the stone age. But our conscious mind cannot tolerate that and we

Anthropocene and Sustainocene

Have we humans started a new geologic era ? Probably, and in that case it started some 2000 years ago. But in recent times it has accelerated. We have affected the Earth so much, that it is  really adequate  to talk about a new geological age. Many species has been extinct because of us, for instance the North American Passenger Pigeon, that had one of the largest flock of any animal in the world. It was hunted  to extinction in the 19th-century; cheap food for the slaves and the poor. And now we are beginning to create nature catastrophes or make them more severe, because of the global warming... Therefore some of us want to give the new geological era a name; Anthropocene. The era of man. There are really no separation between nature and culture any more. Man has been everywhere. In that case, the only way out would be to slowly begin a new and longer era; " Sustainocene...   this planet should be treated not just as a distinct living entity  but as a patient.&