The light inside

Don't be afraid. Don't be ashamed of yourself.  Sometimes this life is tough, really tough. It is meant to be, meant to be experienced the hard way- But in the end everything is going to be okay. Let the light guide you. In the end everything be okay - if there is an end...
When life is tough, you learn, so you probably will learn all life. But you better watch out not to pessimistic or bitter, there will always be happy moments - intermezzos between the learning time.
Try to do the things you like to do, try to be thankful. Try to think that life is rich of experiences. Try to be aware of every moment, even when you are just walking. Feel the foot meeting then ground. Feel the wind in your face, hear the dog barking, the bird singing ....
Trouble and dark moments will come again, but with awareness, even of your own thoughts, you can handle it with care. You can take care of the dark moments and thoughts as if it were a crying child....


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