We are all relatives

 We are made of sunlight, particles, water and so on. Of course we are also made of the food we eat, our parents, our friends and our experiences.
Like the weather, we constantly change. Sometimes it´s winter inside and our thoughts are cold and unfriendly, but the thoughts will melt down and new one will rise...
New experiences will start new habits - some parts of you are still a small child, but as an adult you can take care of that inner child.
But, like a flower, it's good to have a rich soil and a lot of sun sunlight and water - because we ARE that sunlight and that water, and we ARE the oxygen hat we inhale produces bye the plants.

We have a name and an personal history, and it's good to have that and sometimes tell the memories to other people, because, that's our identity.

But in a deeper sense, we are not our name and history - we are more like the flower in my window; radiated by light - the light has for a while manifested itself as a flower together with water and so on - so the flower - and you - ARE light. And do you know that you and the flower share about 50% of the genes with each other.


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