
We all tell stories, don't we. I do.

I suppose we have to.  But we are not always aware of that we do it. Perhaps we think we talk about the Truth or facts.

I tell stories around mindfulness, tries to make it meaningful, tries to make fit into a discourse.
But I cannot leave the context and language that my clients feel at home with.

I try to make my own life meaningful and therefore I tell a story about myself where mindfulness fits in.

I'm really not sure if I tell the truth, but I anyway need the story, not at least for my own identity.

Even parties need stories; In the Swedish election yesterday.
The parties have to tell coherent stories about themselves, that may attract the voters.
In politics we all now that the leaders make promises and often exaggerate. But we anyway sometimes are seduced by the stories.

What we always don't see is that even such things that courts and judges are influenced by stories.
Stories about what is a criminal behaviour in our days,  A hundred years ago it may have been legal to beat a woman or a child, but know it isn't (anyway in Sweden).

Even scientist need stories or theories tom make the facts fit in in a pattern.
And to try to understand the facts we need a language, And there are probably no objective language
But it's probably the best signifier that we have.
But be aware of that, for instance, synonyms never means exactly the same.
And that most words are vague, what are, for instance, a sand pile. Exactly how high? How many grains of sand is needed to call it a pile?

If we start wondering about it we also will understand that common words like a man, a woman, a meeting, a day, a night are vague.... That doesn't mean that they can mean whatever or that we
interpret the words in any way... If that would be the case we could quit talking to each other and it would probably be necessary to live in a  psychiatric clinic for a while.

(If we had a lot of power, like Putin, we could words like that; one weak say that Russian never would invade Crimea and the next do it, though under a cover of other lies; that it not was an invasion and so on ,with all this dribbling with word he probably want to scare people....)

But we should be open for the possibility that words have different interpretations and that we can understand them from different angels.
They are often or always part of context, as in the extreme example of Putin.

And the context  can driven by hatred, feelings of revenge and also scariness, think for instance of Nato's and Eu's directions towards the borders of Russia.

And we stories of our live, we often exaggerate, and blame others for things that has gone wrong.
And this strategy is probably a way to survive. We make stories about our lives, and that is a big part of our identity, Even if the stories not are based on facts.

But think, for a moment if there also are stories of your life that not so anthropocentric.

What would, for instance, an intelligent animal like an gorilla tell about homo sapiens?


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