Who am I?

If you walk in a forest you are influenced by the trees and the sun and so on...
And you will influence the forest too...

How you behave to other people and animals will pass over to them and spread in time....

But its probably impossible to hold on to things, people or pets or even to yourself

Everything will melt away like snow;

It's more easy to accept that everything change  if you sometimes can feel that there are no independent self, and it has never been...

When we were very small we could feel this naturally. The body of our mother and our body felt as if it was the same...

When we get older we loose that feeling - but try to reach it again through sexuality....

When we get even older we might understand that concepts  like "me" and "you" can fool us.

We need them and the names we have, but that doesn't mean that we are closed entities ...

We are both individuals and  one with everything....

There are two realities. And I think the world interacting binds them together.

So the question "Who am I?" is very hard to answer. Who am I today might be more easy to answer, but still; we are more tendencies than solid things. And those tendencies can come from older generations. And we can have tendencies that contradict each other.

The author Dostoevsky could describe us like that in his novels; the characters have inner dialogs with themselves but they are not definite. They have no essence or true inner voice.

 But some things that have followed me like kind friends since childhood;

The sunshine, the warm winds and the water in a clean lake.

Belongs to no one and to everyone....

An then; the acts we do will live much longer then we do... The way we behave, event toward nature is very important....


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