distrust your imagination

We believe that there is an up an on down.
The floor in my apartment is a ceiling  for the people in the place below.
For me up is in the sky, but for the people in Australia the same direction is means down.

Einstein discovered that time and space is one thing, space-time.
This is not our gut feeling or intuition want to understand. we have no use for it in our daily life.
Therefore our thinking is not used to it.

Instead our thinking is more or less useful for a life in the savanna, looking for snakes, enemies in the bush or people with another kind of looking; they may be dangerous.
So we have a tendency for racism or for film with much violence and with "bad" persons in it.

And so we will be even more afraid for the unknown.

Scientist invent more and more things and our frightened brains use many of them as weapons.

Fabrics produce a lot of things, as cars and cloth as we use to impress each other as we are looking for love.

If we have time for it we can start to examine our thoughts.

If I do it I can here very disappointed  thoughts when I´m tired or if I have worked too much.

So, if I'm constructive I will understand that I have too work less and consume less too.

That is not so easy as it has some status to work a lot, have a car and so on.

And status i important as it seems like people with higher status, for instance, live longer.

But if I even distrust my feeling about status I may find way to another kind of values; friends, nature, good sleep, time for meditation and so on....

If I even distrust my imagination of that a good life is at another place and at another time I my be a little more satisfied.

Maybe I don't have to fly to a warmer place next winter (it means higher status to travel). I may stay here or go a bit north where the snow will bright up the short daytime.

If I can appreciate the small and free things as fresh air, the leaves waving in the sun and so on, its possible to work a bit less.

Though even bad thing can be free too;~}

Anyway we are shaped by the neurons, but not only in our brain, they are in the gut (gut-feelings) but also in our heart. And it seems that our heart can remember things!



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