Cosmos and coffee

Some says that the universe seems to be self-organizing organism.

Well, if it is some kind of huge organism, we cannot know.  But it is for sure self-organizing.

The galaxies formed itself into different kind of shapes. 

Supernovas have exploded and created the stuff our whole planet are made of, our selves included. 

So, anyway some part of the universe is conscious. Some part of the universe write songs and are looking at other galaxies. 

Brian Swimme is a supporter of this view; 

He gives us the bigger picture of our history, and that is for sure needed. 

When I do metta meditations I often end with the universe. I try to imagine the expanding universe and wishing it peace, safety, good health and to live in peace. I now it sound naive and a bit crazy, but try it for yourself for a shirt time.
But begin with yourself, and maybe the other people around. A actually did that today at a small vegetarian restaurant with just a few guests.
 My view of myself of course totally changed when I tried to identify with the  huge cosmos. For a moment I felt grateful to be shaped  by the big and quite violent forces out there. And to have the opportunity to live on this beautiful planet for a while.

I felt great and maybe it was a coincident, but the three guest at a nearby table stopped talking about how to earn money at their own firm. It was a moment of silence, then one of them said "what were we talking about". No one answered so she then asked the other, "do you want coffee too?"


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