All is interaction

Carlo Rovelli is trying to explain the riddle of quantum mechanics.

The riddle resides in the fact that the theory works very well but we don't know how.
How can the a wave suddenly act as a particle when it's observed?

Rovelli means that its about interaction.
We should not see manifestations as photons or mountains as independent objects:

"I believe that in order to understand reality we have to understand that reality is this network of relations, of reciprocal information, which weaves the world..... reality is nor made up of discreet  objects. It is a variable flux. Think of an ocean wave. Where does a wave finish? Where does it begin?.... a wave and a mountain is not objects in themselves, they are ways that we have of slicing up the world to apprehend it, to speak about it more easy". ( From Rovelli - Reality is not what it seems)

So it seems that Rovelli has the same view as Buddha. Things and persons have no intrinsic selves.
And it's about the same with photons and electrons - so if a camera or a person observes the the minimal objects information is sent in both directions. The observer and the observed becomes interrelated. And the wave function collapses.

Its easy to comprehend when we think of persons; we influence each other in bad or good ways.
If we meet a person with an intelligent and emphatic mind we want to stay and be influenced...
But that persons will not be so interested in us if we we don't have a similar personality.
It is not, as some new age people want it to be - we cannot have want we want if we just wish it or look for it.
But we can change a bit if we meet people and surroundings that are good for us. And the longer we stay in that place the more we get interrelated with it. And maybe, on day, we say that we want to move - want to learn something new.

Rovelli and David Chalmers have been mentioned here before, And here both of them are interrelated in a funny discussion:

Chalmers claims that even electrons

Chalmers claims that even electrons can have some kind of primitive consciousness. But in physics  Rovelli doesn't need the theory of consciousness. He means that we are our brain and our body, and nothing more. We are nature, nothing more, nothing less.

Even though they seem to enjoy the company of each other, and they may even change a bit when they try each other perspective...

Its about the same as to listen to music that some artists have made. We can sing along and try their perspective for a while.

Here is what I have tried the last days:
(it's possible to see the video in the light of the election in the States)

This  music was inspired  by Kurt Wagners wife who wanted a more modern sound than the one Lambchop usually have. So that's interaction too!


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