Hamburgers, spiderwebs and complexity

What is complexity?
Actually it's a complex question, cause nobody really knows.
There are different interpretations of the word.

Its usually compared with "complicated" that often is seen as a phenomena with many layers up on each other.
Lets say a huge hamburger.

If you just order it and it alone in a bar. It may be complicated  if they have to make a special one for you and what to pay would create some discussion. It may be complicated to eat because of its size.

But wait, I think the hamburger can be seen in a complex light too;
If we consider the cow that the meat came from. If we consider the food the cow ate, the sun and the water that was needed for the grass to grow.  Maybe fertilizers  were used too...Maybe the meat came from one of the calves that are slaughters right after they are born because they are males.
And then the farmer his och hers family, maybe some kids, some neighbors, some machines and son on.
Then the transport of the calves to the butcher and of the meat to the groceries.
The mustard and the tomatoes need a lot of water and light too.
maybe its been a dry summer, maybe there ha been floods.

And longer back of the chain we have particles which have come from other galaxies and supernovas  that have exploded to give the stuff that we are made of.

In the end it may be a bit dreamlike - but that is because in this light the hamburger becomes a really complex thing.

When you have eaten the hamburger you have interacted with a whole lot of things.
Its more like a spiderweb than a chain. Each part is more or less interrelated.
But in a so subtle and many-faceted way that its really impossible to describe.

Our bodies are also very complex as the different parts interact with each other.
The blood is all around and there are neurons even in the stomach and in the heart!

Interaction precedes essence.

In this short film from my room, the flowers is interacting with the music and the light, at least from my point of view...


Music; E. S. T. "From Gagarin's point of view"h


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