Interbeing in the small world and in the world of monastics

I know, you shouldn't mix up the quantum world with "our" world.
But Rovelli, the theoretical physicists, seems to do it. He anyway describes the quantum world in this way;
"Quantum mechanism teaches us not ti think about the world in terms of `things` which are in this or that state but in terms of `processes`instead. A process is the passage from one interaction to another. The properties of  `things`manifest themselves in a granular manner only in the moment of interaction, that is to say, at the edges of the processes and are such only in relation to other electron is nowhere when it is not interacting"

(from the book Reality is not what it seems)

Yesterday I met five monastics in the Buddhist tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh.
They gave us lay people meditations and we shared some questions to them.

In the eyes of Rovelli and Buddha, we all interacted, even when we meditated.
Maybe some of us lay people meditated in a deeper way than some of the monastics, so we helped each other from both directions.

It was easy to see that they also where different personalities and they also explained that there could be difficult to relate to  some other members in the community.
So of course its about interaction even there.

But doesnt it seems like a person has some kind of character that follow him/her through the life?
Maybe - but is it really that that holds us together?

Who is really Trump, who is really me?
What holds us together?

What about time - is time not the destroyer, but also the one that brings in the new?

In meditation all this questions disappear.

But if they reincarnate Julian Barbour  (another physicists) may have some answers in the end of this discussion:


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