climate change - what to do or not to do?

I read in Wikipedia:

"Currently, the Earth is in an icehouse climate state. About 34 million years ago, ice sheets began to form in Antarctica; the ice sheets in the Arctic did not start forming until 2 million years ago.[5] Some processes that may have led to our current icehouse may be connected to the development of the Himalayan Mountains and the opening of the Drake Passage between South America and Antarctica. Scientists have been attempting to compare the past transitions between icehouse and greenhouse, and vice versa to understand where our planet is now heading.
Without the human influence on the greenhouse gas concentration, the Earth would be heading toward a glacial period. Predicted changes in orbital forcing suggest that in absence of human-made global warming the next glacial period would begin at least 50,000 years from now[ (see Milankovitch cycles).
But due to the ongoing anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions, the Earth is instead heading toward a greenhouse Earth period.[5] Permanent ice is actually a rare phenomenon in the history of the Earth, occurring only in coincidence with the icehouse effect, which has affected about 20% of Earth's history."

We are in an interglacial periodic within an ice age right now. 
As wikipedia claims, in most of the Earth's history we have been in greenhouse ages. 

The interglacial periods seem to be the best ones; most of the ice is in the polar areas and there are big  and green rainforests around the equator. 
Life can occur in different shapes around the globe. 

But the interglacial periods are not so long. Holocene, that we are living in now, began about 11000 years ago. Nobody knows exactly how long it will remain. But the climate has been very stable since it began. 
Therefore our civilization has flourished. 

The coming ice age may be delayed because of the green house effect caused by us. 
In the worst scenario the earth will be so much warmer that it will hard for life to survive. 
But it will probably come back in some form. 
And another ice age will probably appear too. 

So, how to act as an individual in front of those scenarios? 

Maybe the best answer is; its up to each one of us.... 
There are no gurus to tell us what to do.

For me the answer is; i want to feed the greenhouse effect as little a possible. 
That means, to to by plane and car as little as I can. 
To use electricity from renewable energy as much as I can. 

That will not mean anything for the climate, but it may influence others a bit. 

Most people seem to care most for their family, for the nearest friends and for their pets. 
I guess that has been a good way to survive in the past. 
But our creativity has driven us to develop technology that has made the balance in nature out of order. 
And that so fast that the evolution is far behind. 
We have been too successful. 

Must of us seeks for glory  and honor. As other monkeys do. We smile for the high ranked persons and look down at the beggars in the street.
The high ranked will have many children and the children will probably go on that way as they share their parents genes. 
That's how evolution works. 

The one who becomes monks or nuns will not contribute to a better future, as they will not have children. 

Another way seem to be education for women. If they get education and job, they will tend to have fewer children. 

If we understand evolution, we may not be slave under it. 

We now have a quite good health care, so many of our offspring survive. But that means that the natural selection is not working anymore. We have become too many. 
We may also be divided into different species within time.
Many think that will be because of  AI. Some of us will have money to, for instance, buy a chip that will make us much more intelligent.That means that we probably not want to be friends with the "primitive" ones without a chip in their brains. 

If the world will be much warmer, the ones that will survive are probably the ones with a lot of money. 
Anyway not the most emphatic ones. 

Or maybe the ones that has meditated the most, The ones that accept what they cannot change. 

But so far its not too late to change the way we live. 
Lets hope more of us will go that way.
The first step is to mindfully be aware of the danger.


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