A positive view of evolution and human beings

David Deutsch writes in his book "The Fabric of Reality" about ethics and aesthetics;

.... beauty and rightness must be as objective as scientific and mathematical truth.

How come?
Well D D is known for his spectacular ideas, even if he works in the scientific field.

He advocates the theory that comes from Quantum experiments. A photon that splits into a real photon and a "shadow photon" in the double split experiment, goes really into parallel universums. For D D that indicates that parallel universes really exist.

Many think that already there he goes too far, but others says that is the plausible outcome of the math formulas of quantum physics.

D D also means that the parallel universes can be in some kind of contact with each other.
And why not have a common strive to better and better knowledge, even about beauty and rightness?
So, in that case the Kantian "objective" moral laws is a reality (even if they can change as scientific knowledge does).

It seems that  the strive for knowledge is inherent in D D's view here. We create knowledge in a never ending progress, and it's not only our knowledge, it's knowledge for the whole universe, or even multituniverse. It seems that he means that knowledge is what life can give to the universe. And therefore we should value scientific and technical progress.
In fact technical progress, as geoengineering, is the best solution for the climate change.

Let's say that our ethical views also are in progress. Nowadays we condemn, rape, murder and robbery and wars. Not long ago it was seen as natural phenomena. We even have started to look with other eyes on our behavior against animals.

In hundred years we probably will have  even more sublime ways of looking at behavior and beauty. Is it some of this  that Hilma af Klint's paintings points at?

That's why our civilization is very precious and maybe also rare. 

Richard Dawkins writes about "memes" as knowledge that is carried from generation to generation.
D D likes that and other of Dawking's views. But he doesn't like Dawkins  metaphor of  humans as a scum on the earth. We know a lot about, for instance, the sun and our own galaxy. That's not bad. We should value knowledge like that.

If we can handle the threats we have before us, we can reach very far. If we stop the strive to go back to the fifties; (racism, homofobia, nationalism and cold war).

And then we may create a far more beautiful earth in the future.

We must be hopeful.

                                          David Deutsch  in a long dialog (to the right):


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