We are afraid of the Corona-virus when we should be afraid of ourselves

We are the eco-terrorists of the world. - what if look us in the mirror with that in mind.

 Here you can read about what it means today and about our time; anthropocene;


But not every human society has lived like this, and some still live in balance with the rest of nature, like the Kogi indians in Colombia:

Maybe we in the lack a mythology that sees our connection with Gaia or Mother Earth.
the mythology we live in now, late capitalism, sees her just like raw material.

The Buddhas words about cooling desires, with meditation and and compassion seem to be relevant, but not many Buddhist lives like that, even not in the monasteries.

Or may Brian Swimme's view of Evolution, even in a cosmic sense, as a big sacred story a new mythology to grasp?

At least it seems that we need a new story or mythology to survive....

But first, when we have to look ourselves in the mirror with brutal honesty, now that many of us understand what we are doing to our mother... can we still leaving her without care?


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