A new interpretation of "Anthropocene"

 The era of mankind. 

Clive Hamilton writes about it in his book Defiant Earth. The Fate of Humans in Anthropocene.

Hamilton is a professor of public Ethics in Canberra. 

He means that  humans have modified the processes on Earth so radically that it has changed the nature forces that regulates the Earth development and forced it to an new geological epoch. 

We have to think of what to do to slow down the changes, as climate change. But we have to adapt to what is already there and will affect the Earth in many thousands of years. Can we repair what we have done? 

In the end of the book he concludes that only politics can do something about the threats that Anthropocene puts in front of us. We cannot do it individually.

Maybe the struggle that will come is the only way to learn how to live in solidarity with the Earth.

He means that it is really important that mankind will survive. We are the only creature on the planet that is intelligent and can understand something of the universe. 

In my pantheistic view, we are the eyes and ears and consciousnesses of the universe that looks at itself. 

Maybe we can change in our way of connecting with nature and the Earth. To treat it with care. To not just think about our individual selves. 

To not believe in that some Gods will save us. We have to save ourselves and we cannot do it with geoengineering or by living on another planet. 

Hamilton asks; is a civilization that destroys itself really worthy of surviving on at another planet or in a gigantic spaceship?   

Who are we? Where have we come? Where to go?

To go on like we do now is really a ruthless negligence. 

Its our civilization that is in danger. 

Here is Hamilton himself speaking:

 Its for sure important that we try to preserve humankind, as well as the trees (much more pleasant than we are) and the rest of wildlife. We have to see us as a part of nature - not a part of some God or better than the rest of nature. Because of our intelligence we have responsibility 


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