We have the future in our hands

 The title comes from a talk by Martin Rees, the English astronomer, in Stockholm, some years ago.

What he means is that we now can change the world a lot. Because of our interaction with high tech we can evolve much faster than evolution. I guess that includes AI. The sun will shine for many years ahead and future human will look very different from now.

Its in the end of this long lecture that Rees speaks about the future of the Earth. 

Before that he speaks about the emergence of more and more complexity in the life on Earth. 

Let us at least hope that we can use these abilities to fight climate change and the sixth mass extinction. 

We will  in the future for sure have abilities to do that. 

We need politicians that are not afraid of being unpopular.  And we need a new story than the one of new-liberalism. 

Adam Curtis shows in a a documentary that new-liberalism is a way to cool down the masses by consumerism. That seems to be the way many countries around the world use now. 

But nature can not stand this. It will lead to a disaster.

Actually mindfulness can cool down us too. so we can see the world more clear. To see what is really worth-full for us.

Here is one of the first parts of the video, "The century of the self", by Curtis

Both of these videos was produced in 2015.

Six years ago the effect of the global warming was more uncertain. Now, with the last report from IPCC and  the floods and wildfires here and there its clear that the situation is very severe. 

But still its time to make strategies for less heating. 

In democratic countries we can at least vote for the politicians that see dangers ahead.   


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