Cancer and mindfulness

Cancer is like a small fire in tn body.

It will burn until nothing is there for the fire to eat.

What starts the fire?

It may be complicated,  may have many causes.

Of course fires have always existed in forests. And it will be in the future. 

If the temperature rises and rain doesn't come the fire will be worse.

It may be the same with cancer, may father had it too, but it didn't kill him. 

my cancer may be inherited, but the way I have lived my life may also have reflections in my body.

And my first years, and my problems trying to live with women. 

Now much is too late, by mindfulness is not, it can be practiced the whole life and it includes to listen to child in oneself. 

My father had that kind of child in himself too. But he found ways to hide the child.

Like the golfers in this photo seem to forget about the fire.

       Photo ; Kristi McCluer/Reuters

we have to distract our selves so we don't see the fire.

I understood that something was wrong when I had to pee so much..

and a doctor found the cancer. That was my fire.

she said it could be years until it was needed to something about it.

And this spring the small tumors stared to grow. It was time to do something about.

And it was time for me to not work so much. 

And start a conversation och the very small child in me. To take care of it like a father.

not runaway from as if was a ghost.

I guess that is to be aware.

no  big miracles here. Just a big modern hospital and friendly staff, even if they had to be exhausted after the Corona invasion.

they took away my prostate, a peace of my self, but not my self, as we have none.

after the surgery I have been more aware of the small miracles like insects and herbs. There are even

apps to identify them and learn about them. But you have to walk slow and mindful to notice them.




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