Anthropocene officially declared 2024

 The site to represent the site is already selected....

Here in Scandinavia its warm but not hot. Very dry in some places. Not so many swallows after the most dry weeks. But on a nearby field I use to laydown and admire their flying skills.

I have planted flowers for the bees. Hope its not too late. 

Passed a more than thousand years old runestone made by the Vikings. Is says its for the father of Udd who made a road in the area. Nowadays there ought to be runestones raised for the people caring for the insects and birds. 

The climate change has started and its time to choose how to handle it.

Its said that some Indians cooperated with the intruders in the US. As they didn't fight the white people they were treated better later on. The chief of one tribe were he had seen the white men coming and what happened later. 

So the tribe was adapting to that scenery. 

Its time for us to adapt too.

The representant for the declaring of Anthropocene (August -24) will be Crawford lake in Canada. In the sediment there is spikes of nuclear and hydrogen bombs and particles from fossil fuel burning.

There is still hope for change. But we also have to adapt in many ways. If we do our civilisation will survive. 


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