
Something happens when you start meditating: You cannot hide from your thoughts. You take a risk, because some of the thoughts can be quite ugly.

So again, you have to be aware that the thoughts are not you.
Many of us, me too, have problems with self worth.
If we don't earn enough money, if we don´t succeed in what we are doing, we are blaming ourselves.

The base for this is often a core-belief. In us we have a first thought that was planted in us when we very small.

If we can reach that core-belief, and perhaps understand where it comes from, it's a very good start.

Lets say that we have a core-belief that says; "I'm not worthy". Then you can try to say to yourself; I'm worthy to walk on this earth. I'm as much worthy as anyone else....

In the essence of you and me, we all have the same amount of worth. And that means: regardless of what we achieve.

So be aware of that you can choose your thoughts. 

Take a look at a tree in wintertime, of course that tree has the right to be here on earth without doing anything. And so have you...


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