Sad and lost?

Sometimes we all feel sad and lost. And a dark pattern of thoughts are seeking for us.
Perhaps we are familiar with the pattern, perhaps not. But we can be familiar with it.
But it's best to do it with sympathy.
And to do that, it's necessary to start with a smile... a smile to yourself and the world. After a while the smile will spread to your eyes. Take some deep breaths and follow them with your mind. Then look at your thoughts and smile to them too. You can say "hallo" to them, and then "goodbye"...

As Thich Nhat Hanh use to say, especially  to young people; don't let one thought spoil your life. If you lose your job or your loved one, it's easy to let the feeling of despair guide you. But new feelings, new thoughts will come, perhaps next day... And perhaps the experience will deepen your compassion...

Everything changes and brakes apart- even your thoughts.

It's so important to know this - you are not your thought patterns. 

Sometimes I used say to myself; "I'm so tired of myself".

But what is "myself". Is it a solid block or more like a wave, changing all the time, and always in contact with the rest of the water?

We are just alone if we identify ourselves with our thoughts.

Sometimes we need them and should use them. Other times they are just unnecessary.

You can ask yourself; Is this thought constructive? Shall I ponder about it? Shall I let it out to other: What can happen. Will it make life easier for me and other people or relatives as animals? Especially in the long run... If not; leave it.. and you can do it with just concentrating on the breath. Or, if possible, take a walk in nature. And after while more constructive thoughts probably will arrive  - like new trains on a station - you can again choose to board it or not....


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