Romantic or true love?

Thich Nath Hanh - the buddhist monk that knows a lot about phronesis use to talk about two types of love-
Romantic and true love. Eros and Agape in the greek mythology.

But, true to his non-dualistic view, he means that also romantic love can express true love. At least if it has the four ingredients; Loving kindness, compassion, joy/happiness and inclusiveness.

Can you make your partner happy, can you help her or him, can your partners problems be your own problems? I guess this can happen. But what about inclusiveness?
Doesn't that mean that you have to love all just the same? That you don't differente black and white, east and west, and that you will try to understand everyone, even the ones that hurt you?

Can you do that in romantic love?

Is it even possible?

If  Mr Thich where here I would ask him.

Meanwhile I can listen to this man on youtube. Mostly he sings about romantic love with it's up and downs - but when I yesterday listened to him at a little steamboat cruising in the archipelago of Stockholm, he also sang about kindness and tenderness. Maybe Elliot Murphy has found the way;


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