Things are not what they are

The birds outside are getting ready for winter, the nights are getting colder and in the morning they are coming to the place where I  used to serve them food last winter. I put new seeds there and soon they will come and pick them. In winter they will be the only birds left here, so you better be kind to them.

In Sweden there is a debate where people debate a big police- register of romani people. They seem to be in the register only because they are Roms, some of them just kids.

A journalist writes about this; Democracy is also to see yourself in other people and to see other people in yourself.
I suppose she means, to feel compassion, to not discriminate.

The seer and the outer world interacts with each other. If you think that every Rom you meet are a thief or will cheat you, you will just see that. All what we see is in bedded in a context.
In many ways we see what we want or what we are used to see.
A video from TED shows that what we see depends on our experience and our expectations.

And what we see also depends on our organs. A fly experience that time goes much slower then we are and that makes it difficult to catch it. The hand that comes towards it moves much slower for the fly than for us.

So what is then reality, what is truth? Perhaps we should be careful with these words.
If we try to be open minded, we will not be sure of so many things, but we will have a more interesting life and  feel more alive.
We will also see that we easily can change opinion. In a lifetime we change many times. We are not the same when we are five years old and when we are thirty and so on.

In many ways we are manifestations more than individuals. When the circumstances are right a new manifestation comes that sees the world in a new way.

So you can say that you are born many times under a lifetime.

One day you can wake up and see your environment in a new way, you can see  trees that you haven't noticed before or appreciate your ordinary way home  from work, like in a new light. You can even see your fellow beings, even the birds outside, in a more compassionate way. They share much of the sadness and gladness that you feel.

And now the beautiful nuthatch has come to the food:


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