Mindfulness - religion or science...?

Maybe the answer can be - both....

If you look for the word at Wikipedia, you will find the word in two versions, in a Buddhist and in a secular context.
But if you have the vision that everything is interconnected, they are of course connected.
Both Dalai Lama and Thich Nhath Hanh  has tried, with varied success, to combine both contexts.

The problem is that, science won't take thing for true until they prove and even then the scientist has to be open for changes or admit that we don't really understand certain phenomena.

While religion has another agenda; to look for security, salvation and often company. Some ceremonies and traditions also strengthen the belief and the group. The more complicated, the better.

In a new world, with big challenges we probably need  both contexts. Science can't make meaning and
religion can hardly  make progress in thought and behavior.

Sometimes religion seems to go hand in hand though, and that seems to be the case in the view of the non-self...

 This picture illustrates a behavior that I can fins in my self - the soul/brain seems to strive for balance -if I get too much hardcore science I turn to spirituality and vice verse. It's like a never ending dance...


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