Buddha and Buddhism

Marx is supposed to have said; I am no Marxist.

Perhaps Buddha would have said the same about Buddhism.

(Perhaps Christ about Christianity)

Dan Harris Writes in an article about this:

We have to differ Buddhas Dharma from Buddhism or from religion as a phenomena.

Even if Buddha was right his teachings have been popularized and vulgarized. But the original teachings can be used in a context outside of Buddhism

Harris argues: Algebra comes from the Arabs, but now it's used by the whole world. Science came from the west but belongs to everyone that practice it - and so on.

Harris is the US news anchor that found out that mindfulness helped him - though it was no miracle cure.

I use to practice mindfulness with a "light" Buddhist group inspired by Thich Nhat Hanh. You don't have to be a Buddhist to join in, but they emphasize some ethics that is fine for me:

It was hard from the beginning but to be inspired by some guidelines (you don't have to obey strictly) with others seems to be constructive and leads to a kind atmosphere.

And according to Harris you don't have to see them as a Buddhist property.

Anyway I think the world needs some spiritual guidelines. Even nature, the most beautiful church, needs them - as we now must be seen as the gardeners of nature.


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