What value has birdsong?

If you are interested in Philosophy or religion, you probably also are interested in ethics.
The fruits of the earth belongs to everybody but the earth belongs to nobody....

We have found out that we live in a very small planet in a giant universe. Just a blue water drop in a sea of planets, stars and galaxies.

We have done this because of our intelligence.

But even though there are things we cannot measure and things that mathematics is of no use.

Maybe the most valuable experiences are like this.

for instance birdsong. If the birdsong finished most of us would be missing it badly.
But how many dollars are the birdsong worth?

What would we do to save for our children?

It's easier if we look at a bigger picture - if we destroy our forests and lakes it will in the end decrease
our chance to survive on this planet
Most of us understand that.

Anyway we have problems to grasp it. First comes the stomach, then the moral, as Bertold Brecht puts it in the play, Mutter courage.
We are quite shortsighted in our views.

But as there are  probably no fixed moral system that would suit us - we have to count on our instincts.
We are biological animals, not mathematical.
And any system that are laid upon us is a too heavy burden for us.
It doesn't matter if it is from the church, from Kant's ideas if duty or  utilitarian ideas about consequences.
Maybe the most effective way is empathy, but also empathy for the generations to come,

The climate on our planet has been stable for about 10 000 years.  Therefore we had the opportunity to build our civilization. An it will probably be stable for about 15 000 years, if we don't disrupt our climate too much..

But maybe it also can be meditation, and mindfulness in daily life, where we experience that we fundamentally are one with everything.

Then we will feel like the bird is made of the same stuff as we are. We even have a quite similar set of DNA as the trees.

The evolution has made us quite egoistic. We want to survive in an  environment that has been quite hostile throughout  out history.... So some parts in us are ready to fight or flee en every  moment. Maybe this have been good in the past - but nowadays it can be very bad, as we have so effective weapons.
We are also probably designed to care for our children, but not for generations to come. So therefore any of us don't care so much for future in the long run. But as the climate change already has started - for instance these days in California, it should be more natural for us to react.

When a tree dies because of drought it's a relative that dies.


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