To connect to the Earth

If you do some planting you soon understand the middle way.

The plants need water, but not too much.

They need sunshine but not too much.

The need fertilizer, but not too much.

They need the insects, but not too much of them.

To plant and see it grow means that we see that the soil is needed.

Some see this as a metaphor; we need the suffering to be happy...

The lotus need the mud to grow.
But for me the mud is not dirty, I'm more afraid or too clean areas as shopping gallerias

Today I made some planting. Its actually wonderful to feel the soil in your hands and to see the worms helping the soil to be watered.

Today I saw some black aphids on one of my plants.
And there were some ants too. I first thought that the ants were feeding on the aphids. But soon I understood that the ants were "milking" the black aphids; Ants feed on the sugary honeydew left behind by aphids. But they can also tickle them with their antennas to get the honeydew.
In return the ants protect them from predators. So they really support each other.
But from me the ants couldn't protect the aphids... 

And the thought came to me that we must be the wurst predators on earth. 
We treats the animals we eat as slaves, not by cruelty, simply by ignorance. 
We are not aware of what we are doing. 

But some of us are becoming more and more aware of what we are doing to the (other) animals on Earth and to the Earth it self. 

We have reached another era; Anthropocene, an era when we dominate the Earth. 
 And as there are no way back to Holocene, we have to be gardeners for the Earth. 
That means stop polluting her. Protect her and stop treating her as a slave that only is here for our sake. 

Some gardeners are more developed than me and tries the principles of permaculture. 
They want to plant without chemicals and in a sustainable way. 

I'm sure that is the gardeners that the Earth needs in the new era. 

Cause every little new born leaf is a wonder....


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