We are destroying our home

Yuval Harari, the historian from Jerusalem, ends his  book "Sapiens" with the words:

We cause disasters for other animals and in the surrounding eco-system when we chase more comfort and entertainment.

 In the book he has given us  "a brief history of humankind" in a kind of satellite perceptive.

In that perceptive he includes animal as chickens and cows...

Even if we in some ways now live a more comfortable life than our for-fathers, we are no more happy and our comfort is payed by the animals that we eat and  by the devastated nature.

As soon a  Homo Sapiens got to the American continent we started to hunt the big animals as the saber toothed tiger and the mastodonts to extinction.

So maybe it's time to leave our anthropocentric view and to examine our way of life.

It's a question of to survive in the long run or not

Is a new narrative maybe a solution? As Harari explains we anyway  tell stories to each other everyday. That is what differs us from other animals...


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