I'm nothing but a stranger in this world

Van Morrison must have been in a young and very inspirational phase. The title of the song and album, Astral weeks, announces  that.

Maybe many of us have felt this.
We don't belong  here, it's too hard. Too much struggle.
We have moments when we feel free.
Then again comes long tides of boredom and satisfaction.

Freud meant  that to be able to"lieben und arbeiten" is a sign for health (Though we cannot be hundred percent sure that he really said it).

But I'm sure that can lead to health too.

"Love" can mean a lot, though.

It doesn't have to mean love just in a family.

That is actually a quite egoistic kind of love. We are so tightly connected to out family's.
And that is of course right....

Bu we we send love or help other beings it's love on another frequency.

Maybe we won't will have it return. But we may be satisfied in a deeper way.

I thin work can be lightened up by love too.

We all now it, and it's a kind of training.

But we also know that it can be hard if we work too much or are stressed.

 Pär Lagerkvist, a Swedish Noble price winner, wrote a book called "Guest of reality", it can be interpreted as it's about loosing the parents faith. Though he often used symbols from the Bible and is described to be a moralist without a system of beliefs.

But if we not are put here by God - who are we then?

My generation (in Sweden) doesn't have too fight so much with this questions. born into the feeling

Maybe because we are born in a quite rich and secure country. But maybe we just have get used to the felling of the strangeness?

Was Marx right when he said that religion is the "heart in a heartless" world?


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