This blog will get no likes from evolution

Meditation may influence  your career: A group of people working in a call center was given the chance to practise mindfulness to stand the stress at work. What happened was that 80 percent of the people in  the group quit the work.
So it can be really helpful to quit something....

I guess the 80% saw the meaningless in disturbing people and wanting them to buy things they don't need.
As you know, new things make us happy for a while, than we have to buy something new things, or travel somewhere, or find a new loved one or, or boast with your knowledge about something...

Is it really craving that causes suffering?
Even craving a permanent self?

According, for instance, the German philosopher Thomas Metzinger, we have no self.
 We are more interacting processes.

Metzinger likes to illustrate this with the "Rubber hand experiment".

He wants to combine philosophy with science and experiments that can relate to his thesis.
The search for one's own soul may end with its extinction. Is there no holy graal in there?

It's no surprise that Metzinger has practised meditation for many years.
He also is supporter for meditation lessons in school. It should be just as natural to meditate as to brush your teeth.

Why not, some children would for sure go on with it and inspire friends and parents.

The biggest obstacle for this would probably be evolution. Evolution is no fan of examinations of our thoughts and feelings, and is not interested in a satisfied minds. It wants us to spread our genes, and therefore fight for status and for getting many kids, and be proud to be able to support them. It actually wants us to be a little unsatisfied all the time. Because that means progress... (as nuclear weapons and extinction of other big animals...).
And evolution doesn't want us to speak about a non-existent self. What's the use of that?

Evolution as a guide okay as long as the Earth is okay with it,

But today it seems that the biggest gift we can can give to the Earth is to make less children.
Or at least not heat it up so much (here in Sweden its the warmest summer I can remind  and a lot of forest fires all around the country)

It should give status to stay cool....
To not be stuck into a tribe...
To not call the feelings that pass in the mind for my feelings. And the thoughts that comes from the feelings is not my thoughts,  just "thoughts" or "distractions".

The difference  between brushing the teeth  and meditation, is that meditation will change you in a positive way, while the teeth will not be stronger.  Mindfulness is also more of a lifestyle, and let's hope that teeth brushing is not that for someone...

But evolution seem to like teeth brushing more than meditation. The latter does not make you the ideal partner. You will have some  distance to your desires, you can look at them from a different view. You will feel compassion for more people than your partner. And you will need some space around you and will see suffering that not many other people see.

You will see people that are stuck in ideas and in themselves.
You will see ego- machines, that create suffering for other people that one day may come back to themselves. So you don't have to condemn them.

But you will also get lovely smiles from people with the lowest status.

Well, here again is what Metzinger wants us to understand with the example of the rubber hand.

Take care out there...


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