Gotland waiting for rain - perspectives on climate change

There were quite many insects at my land when I visited it in the end of July.
Bumblebees, beetles and butterflies.

But the swallows where few and flew high up in the air, not over the field as they used to do.
There  were not many other kind of birds either. Probably had the hot and dry weather made it hard for them. And not any nearby lakes to drink from.

The flowers that were there was thistles and other flowers that could stand the drought.

But that was enough, for instance, for many butterflies.

But mosciotos, that swallows like, were very few....

Gotland, the island at the east of the mainland in Sweden, is a place that probably will have just a little rain in the future, because of the climate change.

But the whole of Sweden has this summer had temperatures like in the countries by the Mediterranean sea.
Huge forest fires have started and we have had help from water bombing planes from other European countries. Climate change knows no boarders,

There are at least two ideologies, or stories, about what to do about the climate change.
One is technology/scientific minded; we can find new solutions in that area. Therefore economic growth is needed, but when we buy cars we can choose electric ones and so on.

The other story is a bit harder to chew: We have stop or even lower the economy. The rich countries have to start; use aircraft less or not at all, go buy train or bus, use bicycles more and each less meat and less imported stuff.

 Not many think that this is possible. No politician will win a democratic election with that program.

And what will  happen if we have to be small farmers again? Would that not mean a new middle age? A society based on honour and ownership of land?
No chance for people to run away and change identity.

A third opinion is that its already to late; a lot of people will die, especially in the undeveloped countries.

But what about if we all speak to each other about it; at work and at home. What about if we share cares with other families, if we stop wasting food and even make use of he organic garbage (as we do where I live in Stockholm; it becomes gas that gives energy to buses).

Its a long way, but and it can for sure go together with technology as internet....

This insect is crawling at my  table at Gotland - it seems that is has an old man on its back.

Maybe its possible to change the males domination of the world? (Trump, Duterte, Berlusconi....)

We men haven't done much good for the world....

Maybe its also  time for other cultures then the one from the west to learn from....

 There must be some way for us to live in and with nature, not just of it....

And at the shore near my land the birds were.... and the moon as a reminder of our connection with cosmos.

And there is also solitude and the feeling of oneness with the landscape. When you reurn to Stockholm, the landscape is still with you. In your breath and your eyes. So when somebody greets you, she greets Lau too..


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