What are our place in the history of Cosmos?

If we ask what we humans are, we of course have to compare us with something.
If we compare us to other animals we can see differences and similarities.
If we compare ourselves to rich and beautiful people at the net, we may see our faults.

But if we compare us to the cosmos?
What are our connection to it?

We may think that we are small or nearly nothing.
Or we may think that God made us to look like him.
Or we may think that the universe  was made to make us, an anthropocentric view.

We are made of stardust from an exploding supernova, but put together we are more than the sum of that dust.

It seems that the universe was made do create life in some parts of it.

In the beginning of the big bang it was really chaos.
But after billions of years there more order, at least on our place. Complex lifeforms have evolved here and complex places like big cities

There might be that the Universe was made to create intelligent creatures that could help the universe to understand itself....

In that view wars and climate change  may be seen in another light:
The light from the big picture.

We seem to have the will to expand, to colonize the whole planet, to learn more and build complex machines.
But is it our will or are we doomed to be in that way?

It may be just chance playing; the dinos where distinguished by an asteroid, and we mammals took over.  The age of enlightenment was a fruit from Western civilization and is now spread around the world,  partly because of colonisation.

The globalization trend seems to be inevitable. Along the human history the connections between cultures have evolved and now the internet is making our world even more connected. But why?
By evolution or by another force?

Many things that we think is  made by our free will, comes in another light if there are no separate I .
And if i have an urge, is it really my urge? Can I decide to have it. Can I even decide freely what colours I like, what interests i have?

Is it not more accurate to say that it is the planet, or even the universe who decides?
Yes, and of course we interact with our genes, trends and so on.

To identify oneself with the planet or the universe makes it more easy to accept mortality.

No coming, no going as  Buddha is supposed to have said.

And if the universe is going towards emptiness and coldness. What do we know about the future after that? There may be another universe to meet... For sure it's more universes out there, maybe our universe already are interacting with some of them.

A long film about the long history of the cosmos and our place in it... (but you can skip parts here and there):


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