What in me is me?

Maybe a question we don't use so often.

Of course I'm the ruler of me!

Well after some years of meditation training you may anyway want to look for what is the "king" or ruler in me.

And the answer may be; nothing in particular.  Different parts of me rules in different times.
The environment wakes up different parts of the brain. If we are scared probably the fight area or the flight  area will react.
And they react before we are aware of it.

Of course inheritance and environment may influence what part of the brain will react. But neither inheritance or the environment i come from is the king. We can train to not follow our impulses.

A swedish monk in California have cancer, and in a talk he empathies the benefits the Buddhist training has given him. It has learned him to let go. To not be overwhelmed by feeling and so on.
He led a retreat i visited some years ago, but then he had so much energy. In this talk he is another, but still a sympathetic man.

He asks. "Am I ready to go?"  He doesn't answer it but it seems that he wants to go on in this life if its possible, as most of us would do.
But he has learned to more appreciate his life, what a wonder to walk here on earth. To meet different people and landscapes.

We all change, but are we another being as an adult compared to the kid we once were.
Maybe both the same and another. The kid interact with the adult. We still have the child within us and can speak to him or her.

We also interact with other human beings. We are that interaction. There are more of interaction than of a separate self. If we want to talk about ourselves we have to talk about others too.
So a bit of me is now in the reader of these words.

If we stay long in a landscape, it will be a part of us... and then maybe slowly fading  away when we leave it.

So the saying "no one is an island" it true.

Good luck Jerker - a bit of your suffering is in me to...


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