...should the truth about the world exist, it's bound to be nonhuman.

The caption is a quote from Joseph Brodsky, the poet.

We have only our human senses and our human way to understand things. We just have to go to the quantum dimension and it's a totally different  world- we cannot understand how it works, but it does. This computer is an example of it.

If you take a photo with your camera, with the" wrong" settings you will get a clue of that you can see the world in a different way. Our way to see the environment is a way to handle the world so we can survive, and of course we also see world through the raster of our personality and our culture. And in a way we also create the world in that way.
 A new survey shows that it's not stress itself, but to be scary of stress that is the most harmful !
The people who were scared of what stress could cause were the ones to get problem with their health.
But there are for sure other ways to see the world. And if you meditate it's easier to leave the common feelings and thoughts behind, at least for a moment. You will open up them and make space around them and yourself.

 It may be that we are deeply connected with the whole universe, in a way that is also unknown to us. 
There are many things we don't understand about the universe. For instance dark matter and dark energy. But of course there are more discoveries to come... 

One theory tells that there are many more universes. And why not look at those universes as living beings... They will meet each other, with big disasters as a result. But out of that will come new energy, new worlds and new lifeforms. 
And in that case our own universe will not end as a big cold desert. It will just manifest in new ways...

Bad times have always been and will always come, but out of that will development come. Without meetings and struggle, no new ideas.

Here is a meeting between cultures, the young creator Charlie Yin, with the artist name Giraffage, mixes and samples music and creates new manifestations. It's the same music but also something new and he really reflects whats going on in our internet based and international  world


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