To see what is already there

Mindfulness in my view isn't about learning something new or to be skillful.
We have enough of that.
It is to be aware of what's going on, to slow the time.

When you cock your vegetables, have a look at the beautiful colors, listen to sound when you slice the them, it the sound different when you slice the carrot from when you slice the coli flower?
What sound can you hear when you drop the beets in the boiling water.

Can you imagine the rain, the soil, the farmer, the fertilizer when you hold the broccoli in your hand?When you eat the meat, can you see the life of the cow, her eyes, her feelings feeling, her environment?

In many ways we are what we eat;

When you sit down and meditate, you don't have to breath in a special way, just follow the breath and when thoughts come, be curios to them, don't condemn them, but perhaps label them and let them go,

They are just a part of you, you don't have to change them, but you don't have to follow them either.

Sometimes the thoughts are angry, dark and condemning - accept them and take care of them as they were small and scared children.

You may even see and feel things you don't understand.

You also have to accept that you don't understand everything about yourself.

John N Gray  writes in his book Straw Dogs:

"The world as seen by Physicists as Erwin Schrodinger and Werner Heisenberg is not an orderly cosmos.
It is a demi-chaos that humans only can understand in part. Science cannot satisfy the human desire to find order in the world. he most advanced sciences suggest that causality and classical logic may not be built in the nature of things. Even the most basic features of our ordinary experience may be delusive."

The Finnish dancer Virpi Pahkinen, living in Stockholm, ends her book "Snake-carrier" (my translation):
" René Char writes; To live without the unknown is unbearable. The artists task is to create the secret formula that opens hearts and awakes the nervous system. To show a depth that we not immediately recognize, to be in dialogue with the Universe."

To be mindful is to leave the known concepts of the world and to step in to the unknown and dwell there for a while. It's a place impossible to describe in words, but often a very calm and pleasant place.


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