To face the way it is - Vipassana

Yuval Harari has practised Vipassana meditation for 15 years.

He means that it is because of this  practise  that he has been able to write  two very interesting books. They have even sold very well. The first is about our history in the long run and the other about a possible future for us.

The meditation has helped him to remove some trash from his mind.

We are all loaded with ideas, preconceptions and so on....

But to face the way it is can be hard.

Harari saw the dark side of the meat industry and became a vegan.
He faced this very cruel reality which he calls one of the biggest crimes in our time.

And he also become clear of that things like humanism, liberalism, Christianity and so on just are stories or ideas, they can be good or bad. But we may have things like religion or spirituality to decide if  it's good or bad. Anyway science doesn't care about ethics.

Harari's own way of  thinking about ethics is to decide if an action causes suffering or not.
If a nation breaks in pieces, as the Soviet Union did, may not cause suffering if not people are hurt.
And it must be the same with Brexit.

But he includes the suffering of the animals in his thinking.

Anyway, vipassana can be practiced even if you are an atheist or a christian and so on....

Here´s a good video for beginners.


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