Two Poems

A rare creature
under swinging palm leaves

great coconuts
hanging imminent above
waiting for the next

her moves are singing
her voice is clear
as small church bells
ringing from distant towers
from east and south

away, away
                they say -

like a prayer -
or an invocation
for fertile land

in her hands; 
tiny but some big
as her thumb
to bring to
foreign hands
             and soil

or just for the pleasure
of giving 
with a smile
and a ”good luck”
in the gaze of her eyes

her names are Two
one for gladness
and one for sadness

one necessary for the
in an never ending 

may the sadness never stay too long
may the gladness always sing along


The twelfth of February

the sun higher now
at last above the house
south of mine

shining in through my open
balcony door
and warms my
pleated forehead

though the temperature outside
is below

what is shining
 - the sun?
a word
with nothing behind
if we could look there

the meaning is behind our
and in the melody of
the word

my word are my world
a philosopher said

but I can have a look
at Wikipedia
that are begging for money
to pay via pay-pal 
- a funny word in
a capitalist time

so I can have a deeper look
at the meaning of the world
through the words of
thousands of writers

the words don’t warm me up
but the rays from the sun
and the world ”though”
warms me up a little
because of the funny spelling

and because of the smalle
in my lip when it
the upper teeth

it takes the rays eight minutes to reach
bones, ears and toes....

and when I move away from them

I feel the cold air
from the northern skies
in the rest
of my room


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