Two strong women - Joanna Macy and Valerie June

Ever heard of these Ladies?
Maybe not.
Joanna is ninety years old now but still going strong.

She is a mindfulness practitioner and teacher.

But mostly she's known for being an environmentalist activist.
And she still is:

She's a great speaker and has written many books.
She combines spiritualism with environmentalism.
She doesn't call her selves a Buddhist but someone that is inspired by the teachings of Buddha.

Another inspiring women is Valerie June a singer and composer that have had a long and winding road to her music life.
She had diabetes but didn't know it and after that diagnose she dedicates her life to music. Many of us are glad for us.
Her voice and music have many sources, and doesn't want  to label her style . You can hear echoes from Africa in her voice and a tone of spirituality there too.  As if  many old voices  has guided here.

She have had som astral travelling and here she sings about it. Enjoy:


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