We are embedded in the Story of the Universe

I'm studying an online course at Yale - Story of the universe.

Its based on a book by Brian Swimme and Mary Evelyn Tucker and video films with Swimme as a host and some kind of storyteller.

He means that we are facing the end of our last story, the one of men as kings and rulers on the earth.
An egocentric and anthropocentric story. We have seen nature and the rest of the animals as resources.
We have lost our sense of awe over the Earth and cosmos.
And it doesn't seem that we understand that we all are made from dust from an exploding supernova, a very big star.

Swimme means that the universe seem to be a self organizing entity.
New stars are born in the arms of galaxies and after a long while they will die, as our sun will.

As in Buddhist philosophy everything is changing and there is no essence in the universe, in fact everything is in its center! You and me and a fish in the sea and a sone at Mars and so on.

So maybe everything is related - we are for sure related to every living creature on earth.
But for thousands of years we have treated then as enemies of food.

Swimme starts with  science but ends up in a big story;
The universe may have a mission, as it is self organizing, and we are the universe looking at itself;
it has started to know itself and we are starting to understand ourselves, at least a bit.

Swimme's point is, we cannot know ourselves without knowing the universe.
The universe has created - and we know that the universe can be very violent - and so are we.

AS human beings we have only been here for 200 000 years - if we survive a lot can happen to us, and we may learn a lot more. So let us be careful about ourselves, nature, animals and the life in the sea.
we are a creative force now, changing at least the surface of the Earth. Let's take a deep breath and
stop our superfluous thinking for a while and make a vision of ourselves embedded in the cosmos.


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