I can't get no satifaction

It's true, we can just be satisfied for a short while.
That's life and I suppose we have to accept it.
Mick Jagger's wife recently died, quite young.
It seems that she was one of us who tries to escape suffering. We all are, in some way or another trying to do it; with alcohol, sex, shopping, TV, food, -a lot of things can be used to avoid bad feelings.

In a Buddhist retreat, some weeks ago, we where to asked to take part in a guided meditation that goes;
I'm in the nature to get sick - I can't escape it. I'm in the nature to die - I can't escape it. The only things that will survive is my actions.
Hard stuff.

We usually tries to avoid thinking of these things.
At least on a conscious level. But on a deeper level, we all now that it is true.

So what will happen if we more often will be aware of these facts?

I'm sure we will slow down a bit. Perhaps we will take a new decision about about our career. Is it really necessary to work so much? What things do I need? Do I have time for my children and my friends?
And if it's true that only our actions will survive, we probably will be more cautious about what we do and say.

The retreat was arranged in the spirit of Thich Nhat Hanh. And according to him, suffering will lead to compassion if it is handled in the right way:  If we are aware of our dissatisfaction, we can take care of it and embrace it. If we denies it we will probably project it on other people.

But it's not easy to stop running from suffering. Living in the now and in the breath will  help a bit. We can then be aware of the thoughts and feelings in us. Maybe we can see and a more clear way.

We will never reach a paradise, but perhaps we can live a more happy life where we are right know.

I have selected a simple life, and are practicing mindfulness daily.
But as a human being I can't escape from suffering. And when I see people and animals around me who suffers I suffer a bit with them.

Mindfulness will not take away the dissatisfaction and feelings of loneliness, but it will ease the pain. And if we accept that everyone in many ways are driven by dissatisfaction, we will for sure be more compassionate

But without the nature and the music of Bach it would be very hard.


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